Zi aniversara – 10 ani cu Gandacul de Colorado
Astazi se implinesc 10 ani de la aparitia ziarului GANDACUL DE COLORADO, ziar al romanilor de pretutindeni. Echipa redactionala aduce multumiri colaboratorilor si cititorilor promitand ca vor fi alaturi de problemele, preocuparile si dorinta de a se informa cat mai corect si obiectiv a tuturor romanilor, indiferent in ce colt de lume s-ar afla acestia.
Founded in December 2001, Gândacul de Colorado is the main Romanian newspaper in the greater Rocky Mountains and Denver areas and the only Romanian newspaper throughout Central North America. Gândacul de Colorado is published on the date of 1st of every month for a total of 12 editions per year. Gândacul de Colorado is a monthly newspaper in the Romanian and English languages with no political or religious affiliation. Its 4,500 copies are distributed, for free and through subscriptions, to majority of the community businesses, community cultural centers, churches, Romanian Embassies and Consulates, individuals etc., primarily in Colorado, Florida, Illinois, New York, California and other 42 states within the USA. International distribution includes: Canada, Italy, France, Sweden, Spain, Hungary, England and, of course, Romania. Gândacul de Colorado contains political, cultural and economic news, editorials, sport, religious and cultural news, opinions, entertainment and classifieds. The content is written mainly in Romanian. The newspaper is particularly appealing to the Romanian, Romanian – Ukrainian and Moldavian communities. GDC is well known among these groups which are the main source for news and classifieds. Because of their specific cultural background, the Romanians try to maintain their language and the connections with the community and their country through generations. Therefore, even the American-born Romanians speak the Romanian language very well, Gândacul de Colorado strives to be a personal and business connection between Romanians, Americans and the rest of the world.
Lucian Oprea – Director/Gandacul de Colorado/USA